Monday, August 17, 2009

“Just keep moving”

I read on the Gamercize Blog, whose motto is: “combine video games and exercise for a fitness aspect to the latest technology”, about the Change4Life campaign and it’s missing 9th protocol. This blog states that the 8 core messages, which look pretty sensible in the campaign, are sometimes described poorly in targeting video gaming over the real bad screen time of TV watching. What they are missing is a 9th message that should state. “Just keep moving”. This is so easy and so less daunting than 60 Active Minutes, and it follows the concepts of "Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis" (N.E.A.T.). That basically means just keep moving, but it's an important concept that's easier to build into modern life than going to play in the park 365 days a year every evening. Visit their blog at: to watch a short clip on N.E.A.T. explained in terms of gamercizing - reaching the next level.

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