Monday, July 27, 2009

My New Experience With Exergaming

I have begun using the Wii personally for exercising, I was never a big exergamer before, but have recently joined the growing trend and have found that I enjoy it very much.  I actually think using a video game for exercising is a good fit for me, or anyone for that matter, because it is cheaper alternative to a gym membership I probably won't find the time to use or buying all kinds of gym equipment that would just clutter up my house, which I don’t really have room for anyway.  I have found myself addicted to the Gold’s Gym Cardio Workout for the Wii. It gives you a really great cardio boxing workout and pretty much after your first workout with it your upper body, stomach, and side muscles are sore. I find it amazing that doing something so simple and fun without the actual equipment needed for the sport  (punching bag and boxing gloves) could have such and impact on the body and muscles. After a 30-minute workout with this Wii game, I am sweating and tired. I also have my 13 year-old son doing it and he has lost 7 pounds since we started. I can’t say that I am as lucky at this time, but hopefully it will help me get into better shape than I have been in a while and I will lose some weight along the way.  A friend of mine has recently started using the game for exercising as well and it has given us a way to stay connected too. We have a little competition going on. We text every day to see who’s punch count is higher, who worked out longer, etc. She says she feels more toned in her arms since she started and likes the convenience of being able to exercise with her Wii right in her living room, which I have to say is a great benefit for me as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great post! I'm really happy to hear about how you have embraced exergames in your house. If you keep up with it, you will definitely achieve your fitness goals. And maybe you might give other games a try or maybe revisit those traditional fitness options (like the gym, gasp!) LOL. Anyway, it is nice that you have found something active that you truly enjoy!

