Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weight loss success with a video game

One woman lost 33 pounds with the help of a video game. That video game is EA Sports Active. At first she was skeptical that a video game could help her to lose weight, but she took the program seriously and also watched what she ate. She completed the 30-day challenge in the game 3 times, eventually leading to her 33-pound weight loss. Throughout her challenges she began to combine the Active workouts with walks and even some running, which helped her to build up endurance. Her success with EA Sports Active inspired her to engage in other kinds of exercise with her friends. She even became a community leader when EA Sports Active community announced their plan to host a 5K run, and she's currently leading a challenge in her community so that she and her neighbors can help support and motivate one another to become more fit and healthy. She says that EA Sports Active helped her build confidence she didn't know she had

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